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Early Intervention Program


DYSLEXIA includes difficulties in reading &/or spelling, recalling the names of letters, recognizing words. However, if given the right help at the right time, many children can overcome these challenges.



  1. Learning & recognizing letters

  2. Phonics i.e. saying the sounds of syllables, digraphs, diphtongs   

  3. Recognizing high frequency & commonly used words​

  4. Remembering vocabulary, sentences and grammar that has been taught

  5. Learning to read unfamiliar or new words

  6. Make less or no errors when reading & writing

  7. Read at a suitable pace

  8. Read & write at age/grade levels

  9. Comprehending & understanding what they read

  10. Learning to read aloud independently

  11. Make less spelling errors in written work

  12. Remembering or following a sequence of instructions, without instructions being repeated




  1. Starting children's learning on a step-by-step basis i.e. first simple tasks that they are able to handle 

  2. When children are more comfortable & gain more confidence, they can gradually be given more challenging tasks

  3. Movements & exercises that enhance brain functions so as to enable positive learning outcomes

  4. Reduce stress, anxiety, frustration & low self-esteem in children & increase their self-confidence & drive to challenge themselves outside their comfort zone

  5. Build on the child's strengths & help overcome their weaknesses


DYSCALCULIA is a brain condition that makes it difficult for the brain to recognize numbers & related concepts such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, directions left & right, quantities more than & less than, sizes, counting by 2's, 5's, 10's, 100's etc. tell time, read maps or charts, solving math problems, etc.



  1. Learning & recognizing numbers

  2. Concepts of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, more than & less than

  3. Left & right awareness, concepts of quantities, directions, speeds, lengths

  4. Telling time

  5. Learning to count by 2's, 5's, 10's, 100's etc.

  6. Learning problem solving

  7. Read at a suitable pace

  8. Read & write at age/grade appropriate levels

  9. comprehending & understanding what they read

  10. Learning to read aloud independently

  11. Make less spelling errors in written work

  12. Remembering or following a sequence of instructions, without instructions being repeated




Identify the areas where the child has a difficulty & target an intervention at those areas 


  1. Practicing math through simple and fun interactive games & activities

  2. Movements & exercises that enhance brain functions so as to enable positive learning outcomes

  3. Reduce stress, anxiety, frustration & low self-esteem in children & increase their self-confidence & drive to challenge themselves outside their comfort zone

  4. Technology and adaptive tools

Underachieving Children

Is your child underachieving academically & does not do well in school? Are you worried & have concerns about your child's underachievement at school?  If you do and want some advice, help and support then call us and we will help you and your child.  

Gifted Children : Does your child....

  1. Learn quickly, have the ability to retain what is learned, & show a persistent intellectual curiosity?

  2. Usually pose questions that are way more complex than children of the same age? Is your child is bored with the present mainstream curriculum at school? 

  3. Exhibit an unusually high ability in one or more domains, such as language, math or music & show the desire to master these skill sets as well? 


Do you think your child is talented, gifted or exceptional & is not academically challenged well enough in the present academics system?


If the answer is...Yes! then call us and we will help you to let your child shine through our Gifted Education Program which is individually tailor-made for your child.

Underachieving Children
Gifted Children
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